
protecting your family during a divorce

Can’t Pay Child Support? What You Can Do

Child support exists to ensure separated or divorced parents provide equal financial support for the children. However, at some point one parent may have circumstances arise when he or she is unable to make the child support payments. When this happens, you cannot simply stop making the court ordered payments to the other parent. If you miss a payment, there are some things you need to do so you do not end up in legal trouble. Read More 

Seeking Alimony? What You Should Know About Alimony Buyouts

If you are in the midst of divorce settlement discussions and you've decided to pursue alimony, you may want to consider the potential of asking for an alimony buyout instead of the scheduled, monthly payments that alimony is typically handled in. There are a few things that you should discuss with your attorney if you are considering something like this, though. Here are a couple of considerations if you're thinking about a buyout option for your alimony order. Read More 

What To Do After A Social Security Disability Claim Denial

The process for applying for social security disability can be very lengthy and complicated. It can be especially difficult for people with injuries or sickness who already are experiencing financial hardship. But do not give up if they deny your first disability claim. Many people apply for the SSDI every year, but only some of the SSDI applicants can get their SSDI.  If your application is delayed or denied, you can contact a social security attorney to help get the benefits you deserve. Read More 

Divorce Assumptions That Might Cost You Dearly

Many people hold erroneous beliefs about divorce, and these beliefs can cost them dearly during a divorce. Below are examples of these erroneous divorce assumptions. You Should Prepare To Win Divorce, even a litigated one, is not a court case that you should expect to "win". You can win a personal injury case or a criminal case, but not a divorce case. This is mainly because there is generally no " Read More 

Depression And Divorce – Tips To Help You Maintain Your Sanity

Divorce is never easy to deal with, but when you suffer from depression, it can make life simply unbearable. Here, you'll learn a few tips that'll help you get through what'll probably be some of the darkest days of your life without losing it altogether. Work With Professionals There are two professionals that should be working with you through this difficult time – a divorce lawyer and a personal therapist. Read More 

About Me

protecting your family during a divorce

Going through a divorce is hard enough, but to have to deal with all of the exasperating issues that come with going through a divorce when children are involved makes matters worse. When my ex-husband and I decided that it was time to move forward from a separation to a divorce, it took a while for us to actually make the move. This blog was created using my own personal experiences. You will learn what you need to do to protect your kids and your family from the terrible things that can happen during a divorce when there are children involved.

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